Yardım Gübre taşıyorum ama pda da gözükmüyor

Arkadaşlar oyundaki gübre kuyusunda bi bozukluk var galiba.Toplam 6000L gübrem var gübre serpme römorku 12000L olmasına rağmen 10 römork gübre çektim nerdeyse hala bitmedi.Pda da 6000 olarak gözüküyor hala 1 zerre azalma yok mistgrube(gübre çukuru)nda. Diğer sıvı gübre havuzu mükemmel çalışıyor ama bi hata yapmışlar galiba diğerinde.Düzgün şekilde çekebilen varmı?
Ynt: Yardım Gübre taşıyorum ama pda da gözükmüyor

Adamlar düzeltmişler 1.02 patchinde.Ama onuda yükleyince activation key istiyo_Oda yok tabikide orjinali olmayınca.İnsallah çıkar onunda bi crackı bişeyi yokda soğuttular oyundan hiç giresim gelmiyo o yüzden.

Update 1.2


* Fixed baleloader saving, loading and deleting if bales are mounted (1.2)
* Fixed manure fill level when using shovel (1.2)
* Fixed rare shop screen button hovering and keyboard input issues (1.2)
* Fixed self propelled sprayer not being able to refuel (1.2)
* Fixed rare issue with combine unloading (1.2)
* Fixed typo in stop refuel text message
* Fixed PDA tip triggers stats
* Fixed selecting seed type in multiplayer
* Fixed baleforks for Agrovector and Agrofarm textures


* Improved PDA tip triggers stats on multiplayer clients (1.2)
* Improved driving behavior of several vehicles
* Improved visual quality of wheat, barley and grass windrows
* Improved viusal quality of Agrovector attacher
* Improved visual quality of chat user interface
* Improved visual quality of cow animations
* Improved visual quality of windrows on multiplayer clients
* Improved mass calculation of trailers
* Improved visual quality of multiplayer avatar
* Improved shop messages in multiplayer games on the game host
* Save settings of the multiplayer game creation screen
* Added multiplayer ban and kick user functionality (1.2)
* Added total number of available open games to the join game screen
* Added auto save option to the game host admin screen and added new console commands gsAutoSave and gsAutoSaveInterval
* Added savegame history system
* Added Internet/LAN icon image to the join game screen
* Added mod management screen to remove installed mods
* Added advanced controls screen that allows the adjustment of gamepad deadzones and mouse sensitivity
* Added new options 'allow clients to sell vehicles' and 'allow clients to create new fields' to multiplayer admin screen

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